“Whatever has brought South Africa to the point where it could produce
a man like Julius Malema and a political party such as the EFF?” Asks Rev Theunis Botha, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP).

“The CDP takes note of the fact that AfriForum has initiated legal action against Malema as a result of statements made by him at the EFF Congress. We have for a long time felt that some of the statements made by him are tantamount to insurrection and rebellion, encouraging people to steal and commit deplorable actions causing mayhem. From his nstatements it has also become apparent that he is an out and out racist and should not be tolerated within our democracy.

“What is of concern is that the ruling party, the ANC, doesn’t seem to know how to handle this situation. The question is, are they able to deal with matters such as this effectively? Maybe they simply do not want to?

“The way in which Malema has been talking needs a swift and tough reaction. If we don’t handle these statements strongly, by vehemently opposing them, we will be playing right into the hands of those who have devious intentions for South Africa.”

Afrikaans Version

Is Julius Malema ons toekoms? – CDP

“Wat het Suid-Afrika by die punt gebring waar dit ‘n man soos Julius Malema en ‘n politieke party soos die EFF kon oplewer? “vra ds Theunis Botha, leier van die Christen-Demokratiese Party (CDP).

“Die CDP neem kennis van die feit dat AfriForum met regstappe teen Malema begin het weens sy uitlatings by die EFF-kongres. Ons het al lankal gevoel dat sommige van die stellings wat hy maak op opstand en rebellie neerkom, mense aanmoedig om te steel en dat sy betreurenswaardige optrede chaos veroorsaak. Uit sy stellings het dit ook duidelik geword dat hy ‘n deurtrapte rassis is en nie in ons demokrasie geduld kan word nie. “Wat kommerwekkend is, is dat die regerende party, die ANC, nie lyk of hulle weet hoe om die situasie te hanteer nie. Die vraag is; is hulle in staat om sake soos hierdie effektief te hanteer? Miskien het hulle eenvoudig nie die wil nie?

“Die wyse waarop Malema gepraat het vereis vinnige en besliste optrede. As ons nie hierdie stellings ferm aanspreek, deur dit heftig teen te staan nie, sal ons in die hande speel van diegene wat onderduims bedoelings vir Suid-Afrika het. “