• Post category:All / Government

English Version:

By: Mbongeleni Joshua Mazibuko

Member of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature

Pietermaritzburg; 24 November 2015

Honourable Speaker, Honourable Members of this House, Ed. EV Dube
launched the House of Parliament Staff Report elaliseMajuba in May
2015. I wish to comment on a few points in the report and I sit down.
1. Assistance helpers: During the contained yilombiko ahead that will
affect the performance of the officials of the Department of Home
Affairs to check that our people assisting us home to be with. Perhaps
because of the missing officials, fail to make it work satisfactorily.
Should be encouraged officials may be added because it is an that
because some of the helpers find themselves in situations that are not
here to families who help them. Even some who help the families of
political leaders will find they have problems. Therefore must creep
officials including families neyabaHlonishwa the house to check on how
to participate. Already in the matter I wish to inform the House that –
with the aim of promoting local management kwbasizi, the IFP one of the
processes and policies of its “supports the introduction of Taxation
benefits for Employers who establish and / or contribute to medical
aid, and / or pension and provident schemes for Their domestic workers.
2. (Page 10) industrialist to Follow Rules: Another issue discussed by
Nelson ngolwabanikazi occupational and business from outside South
Africa took the principles of staff. It is said that some of them may
not understand the rules of this world, especially because it has been
recorded in English. Kakusiso reason. Because if you leave you decide
to business with another country, must be concerned to know more about
the way of life in the country, including its rules governing trade.
And therefore should not be made to follow the rules and do so
urgently. Why we believe in reason sokungasazi English, is that the
Department of Home Affairs reported that if the guiding entrepreneurs
as having threatened to bazobhoncula pins coins in their walk. It is
possible that some here emhlaeni view here in South Africa as the
hungry. Whatever the case but kasithengisi our dignity and our
birthright. When a man defeated by the laws of this world, to go and
she died, and money 3. (PAGE 10) The risk of loss functions: attention
and the issue presented by the Department of anxiety about the danger
of thousands lose their jobs when working in factories are closed
because of abanikazizo to follow the law of the land. One of the
greatest problems facing the Department. We think that the biggest
challenge Honourable Speaker, as people, ngeyokuba strengthen our
campaigns to teach people that even though you can see that
njengokubaphuca bread in the mouth, in the future prove to be
delinquent by the kosozimboni, because bayobagila one day. 4.
exploitation of immigrants: Some evil should fight them with the
greater intensity of such super-immigrant brothers and sisters in this
country, who have come here because of afflictions. Kungukweswela
people who hunger to make him ill. It should be whipped law those who
do that. But on the other hand should the illegal immigrants in the
country to be gathered and restored from there to learn that it is not
in the jungle country; there is a law to evacuate ngothetho. 5. Warning
on bullying: Honourable Speaker of the appearance of a lot of evil and
abuse kwabampfu beyond the ADM according ahead. We know not bear evil.

Zulu Version:


Ngu: Mbongeleni Joshua Mazibuko

ILungu leSishayamthetho saKwaZulu-Natali

EMgungundlovu; 24 Novemba 2015

Mhlonishwa SoMlomo nabaHlonishwa amaLungu aleNdlu, uMhl. EV Dube
wethule kuLendlu uMbiko wePhalamende labaSebenzi elaliseMajuba ngoMeyi
2015. Ngifisa ukuphawula amaphuzu ambalwa kuloMbiko bese ngihlala
1. Ukusizwa KwabaSizi Basezindlini: Phakathi kwezindaba
eziqukethwe yilombiko ophambi kwethu yilolo oluthinta ukusebenza
kweziKhulu zoMnyango WezaseKhaya ukuhlola ukuthi abantu bakithi
abasisizayo emakhaya baphatheke ngendlela yini. Mhlawumbe ngenxa
yokuthi ziyashoda iziKhulu zoMnyango, aziphumeleli ukuwenza ngendlela
egculisayo lomsebenzi. Kumele zikhuthazwe kumbe zengezwe iziKhulu
zoMnyango ngoba ngumsebenzi obalulekile lowo ngoba abanye balabo basizi
bazithola besezimeni ezingezinhle lapha emindenini abasiza kuyo. Ngisho
abanye abasiza imindeni yabaholi bezombusazwe bazifumana bebhekene
nezinkinga. Ngakhoke kumele iziKhulu zoMnyango ziyinyonyobele imindeni
okuhlanganisa neyabaHlonishwa abakuLendlu ukuyobheka ukuthi baphatheke
kanjani. Sisekulo loludaba ngifisa ukwazisa leNdlu ukuthi – ngenhloso
yokukhuthaza ukuphathwa kahle kwbasizi basemakhaya, i-IFP kwenye
yezinqubo-mgomo zayo “supports the introduction of taxation benefits
for employers who establish and/or contribute to medical aid, and/or
pension and provident schemes for their domestic workers.
2. (PAGE
10) OSozimboni Abangayilandeli Imithetho: Olunye udaba olwaxoxwa
ngolwabanikazi bezimboni namabhizinisi abavela ngaphandle kweNingizimu
Afrika abangayilandeli imithetho yokuphathwa kwabasebenzi. Kuthiwa
abanye babo kungenzeka ukuthi abayiqondi imithetho yalelizwe, ikakhulu
ngoba ilotshwe ngeSingisi. Kakusiso isizathu esingemukeleka leso. Ngoba
uma ushiya kini unquma ukuyohweba kwelinye izwe, kumele uzikhathaze
ngokwazi kabanzi ngendlela okuphilwa ngayo kulelozwe, kuhlanganisa
nemithetho yakhona elawula uhwebo. Ngakhoke kufanele benziwe
bayilandele imithetho futhi lokho bakwenze ngokuphuthuma. Okusenza
singafuni impela ukukholwa yisizathu sokungasazi isiNgisi, yikuthi
uMnyango weZaseKhaya wabika ukuthi uma ubaqondisa labosomabhizinisi
ngenkantolo besabisa ngokuthi bazobhoncula izikhonkwane zemali yabo
bahambe. Kungenzeka ukuthi abanye lapha emhlaeni basibuka lapha
eNingizimu Afrika njengezwe elilambile. Noma ngabe kunjalo-ke kodwa
kasithengisi ngesithunzi sethu nangefa lobuzibulo bethu. Nxa umuntu
ehlulwa yimithetho yalelizwe, akahambe ashone nemali yakhe 3. (PAGE
10) Ingozi Yokulahleka Kwemisebenzi: Siyalunaka futhi udaba olwethulwa
nguMnyango lokukhathazeka ngengozi yokuba izinkulungwane ziphelelwe
yimisebenzi uma izimboni abasebenza kuzo zivalwa ngenxa yokuba
abanikazizo bengawulandeli umthetho wezwe. Yinkinga enkulu le ebhekene
noMnyango. Sicabanga ukuthi inselelo enkulu esinayo Mhlonishwa SoMlomo,
njengezisebenzi zabantu, ngeyokuba siqinise imikhankaso yokubafundisa
abantu bakithi ukuthi yize bengakubona lokho njengokubaphuca isinkwa
emlonyeni, esikhathini esizayo bayosizakala ngokukhululwa kosozimboni
abangamahlongandlebe, ngoba bayobagila ngelinye ilanga. 4.
Ukuxhashazwa Kwabokufika: Obunye ububi okufanele silwe nabo ngomkhulu
umfutho yilobo bokuxhashazwa kwabafowethu nodadewethu bokufika
kulelizwe, abeze lapha ngenxa yezinhlupheko. Kungukweswela ubuntu
kunoma ngubani osebenzisa ukulamba komunye ukumenza isilo sengubo.
Kufanele babhaxabulwe ngemvubu yomthetho labo abenza lokho. Kepha
ngakolunye uhlangothi kufanele laba abokufika abakulelizwe
ngokungemthetho baqoqwe nabo babuyiselwe lapho bevela khona ukuze
bafunde ukuthi akukhona ehlathini kulelizwe; kungenwa ngomthetho
kuphunywe ngothetho. 5. Isexwayiso Kwabaxhaphaza Abanye: Mhlonishwa
SoMlomo bubukeka bubuningi ububi nokuhlukunyezwa kwabampfu laphaya
eMajuba ngokombiko ophambi kwethu. Kasikwazi ukububekezelela lobububi.