• Post category:All / Government

Country on the brink of chaos and anarchy – CDP

“Opposition parties are playing into the hands of the revolutionaries. History has shown that these elements thrive in an atmosphere of chaos and anarchy,” says Rev Theunis Botha, leader of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP).

“Malema’s refusal to be searched by a security guard that resulted in a scuffle, and him ending up on the ground, shows that he, just like those like those whom he is accusing, also thinks himself to be above the law.

“His arrogance and antics may impress a large group of uninformed people in the country, but it is causing more and more thinking people to become increasingly disenchanted with politics and politicians.

“Holding mass meetings, with politicians singing and dancing on the stage and making promises that they know they will not be able to deliver on; and then making excuses as to why they have not delivered, are no longer impressing an ever increasing number of sceptical electorate who are only looking for food in their stomachs and a roof over their heads.

“Unless real integrity and honesty return to politics, politicians labour in vain as they seek to restore their credibility with the electorate. The recent show put on by the governing party and all the opposition parties, certainly does not help the cause.”

Afrikaans Version

“Opposisiepartye speel in die hande van die revolusionêre.

Die geskiedenis het getoon dat hierdie elemente floreer in ‘n atmosfeer van chaos en anargie,” sê ds Theunis Botha, leier van die Christen-Demokratiese Party (CDP).

“Malema se weiering om deur ‘n sekuriteitswag deursoek te word, het gelei tot ‘n skermutseling wat hom met sy blaker op die grond laat beland het, en dit toon dat hy, net soos diegene wat is net soos dié wat hy daarvan beskuldig, hulself as bo die reg verhewe beskou.

“Sy arrogansie en manewales kan ‘n groot groep oningeligte mense beïndruk, maar dit veroorsaak dat al hoe meer mense toenemend ontnugter met die politiek en politici word.

“Die hou van massavergaderings waar politici op die verhoog sing en dans en beloftes maak wat hulle weet hulle nie in staat sal kan wees om uit te voer nie, en dan verskonings te maak oor waarom hulle nie daad by die woord gevoeg het nie, beïndruk nie meer ‘n groter wordende aantal skeptiese kiesers wat net kos in hul mae en ‘n dak oor hul koppe soek nie. “Tensy werklike integriteit en eerlikheid tot die politiek terugkeer, sal politici tevergeefs probeer om hul geloofwaardigheid onder die kiesers te herstel. Die onlangse vertoning deur die regerende party en al die opposisiepartye, dra beslis nie by tot die oplossing nie.”