“South Africa has become a country in which the right to demonstrate,
has been abused and turned into an opportunity for mob riots.” Says
Rev Theunis Botha, leader of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP).
“The ANC government has created the expectation of dialogue around
problem areas, but is slow to address the issues.

This is inevitably resulting in mobs taking to the streets in lawless and often destructive demonstrations, which appears to be the only way to force those in
authority to take notice.

“Recently orchestrated student actions around university campuses and
the storming of parliament appear to be an attempt by those advancing
revolution, to plunge the country into chaos. These student actions
have been carefully planned and executed. Coming at the end of the year
when students should be preparing for their finals, those planning the
dumbing-down of society must be gleefully rubbing their hands together.
“The appearance has been created that all students in these institutions
of higher learning are taking part in these mass actions. Not so.
Those rioting represent a fraction of the total figure actually enrolled. Out of their own mouths these agitators have said that their actions are not only for fairer wages for cleaning staff and student fees, it is part of the revolution. These anarchists are attacking our very democracy and their actions come close to treason.

“Whereas the slogan used by the ANC was ‘liberation before education’ it
now appears to be ‘revolution before education’. Don’t forget the lost

“The police are being closely monitored by the media, while doing their
duty of enforcing the law. The least reaction by them, under severe
provocation, is being highlighted and exaggerated in the media. The
students on the other hand are portrayed as victims when they are
actually the perpetrators of criminal activities.

“Mantashe, using the racist card as usual, accused Vice Chancellors of
Universities for not handling the student crises effectively. The ANC
government alone, however, is to blame for the precarious position the
country finds itself in, as it rapidly slides further and further into
an abyss of lawlessness and anarchy.

“They are the ones who are slavishly following their socialist agenda
which has created this entitlement society that demands rights that are
impossible to comply with. If you promise the people free education,
you should not be surprised when they eventually begin to demand it.
All the ANC wants to do is to actually take control of our higher
education institution, some of which have operated successfully for more
than one hundred years. Most students in the past, worked their way
through university, now all they want to do is toyi-toyi and demand
something for nothing.” Rev Theunis Botha

Afrikaans Version

Wetteloosheid regeer – CDP

“Suid-Afrika het ‘n land geword waarin die reg om te demonstreer,
misbruik word en omskep is in ‘n geleentheid vir wetteloosheid.” Sê ds
Theunis Botha leier van die Christen-Demokratiese Party (CDP).

“Die ANC-regering het die verwagting van ‘n dialoog rondom probleemareas
geskep, maar is traag om die kwessies aan te spreek. Dit dra
onvermydelik daartoe by dat mense die strate intrek in wettelose en
dikwels vernietiging demonstrasies, wat blyk die enigste wyse is om
diegene in gesag te dwing om op te tree.

“Die onlangse georkestreerde studente aksies binne die universiteite se
kampusse en die bestorming van die parlement blyk om ‘n poging ter
bevordering van revolusie te wees en om die land in chaos te dompel.
Hierdie studente se optredes is noukerig beplan en uitgevoer. Die feit
dat dit aan die einde van die jaar plaas vind wanneer studente hulself
moet voor berei vir die finale eksamens, moet verblydend wees vir
diegene wat die ‘dumbing-down’ van die samelewing bevorder.
“Die gedagte word geskep dat alle studente in hierdie instellings van
hoër-onderwys deel neem aan hierdie massa-aksies. Nie so nie. Diegene
wat oproer maak verteenwoordig slegs ‘n fraksie van die totaal wat
eintlik ingeskryf het. Hierdie agitators het gesê dat hul optrede nie
net met hoër lone vir die skoonmaakpersoneel en studentegelde te make
het nie maar dat dit deel uit maak van die rewolusie. Hierdie anargiste
val ons demokrasie aan met hul optredes wat aan hoogverraad grens.

“Waar die slagspreuk wat in die verlede deur die ANC gebruik was
‘liberation before education’ was blyk dit nou ‘revolusion before
education’ te wees. Moenie die verlore geslag vergeet nie.

“Die polisie word noukeurig deur die media gemonitor, terwyl hulle hul
pligte vir die handhawing van wet en orde uitvoer. Die minste reaksie
deur hulle, onder ernstige provokasie, word uitgelig en oordrewe in die
media. Die studente aan die ander hand word uitgebeeld as slagoffers
wanneer hulle eintlik die oortreders van kriminele aktiwiteite is.

Mantashe wat soos gewoonlik die rasse-kaart gespeel het, het die vise
kanseliers van Universiteite vir die oneffektief hanteering van die
studente krisisse beskuldig. Die ANC-regering alleen is egter te blameer
vir die benarde toestand waarin die land hom bevind, en wat daartoe
bydrae dat dit al hoe verder en verder in ‘n afgrond van wetteloosheid
en anargie sink.

“Dit is hulle wat, deur hul sosialistiese agenda slaafs na te volg,
hierdie ‘samelewing van regte’ wat onmoontlik is om aan te voldoen,
geskep het. As jy belowe om gratis onderwys aan die mense te gee, moet
jy nie verbaas wees as hulle uiteindelik begin om dit op te eis nie.

Wat die ANC eintlik beoog is om beheer van ons hoëronderwysinstellings
oor te neem. Sommige van hierdie instellings word vir meer as ‘n
honderd jaar al suksesvol bestuur en bedryf. In die verlede en nou ook
nog, werk meeste studente deeltyds om hul universiteit’s fooie te kan
bekostig. Al wat sommige van hulle nou wil do en, is toyi toyi en iets.
vir niks op eis.”