“A protest planned by the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions movement (BDS) against a concert featuring Grammy
award-winning artist Pharrell Williams, because the producer and
performer has collaborated with Woolworths is nothing more than
hypocritical opportunism.” Says Rev Theunis Botha, leader of the
Christian Democratic Party (CDP)

“These people are concerning themselves with a boycott against
Woolworths because there are a few products on the retailer’s shelves
from Israel. They say nothing about the violent slaughter of thousands
of people in the middle- east by Isis and other sectarian movements.
They also say nothing about Woolworths importing products from China,
which is known as the greatest violator of human rights in the world.

“Even the ANC government supports the terrorist movement, Hamas, who has
vowed to violently drive the Jews out of Israel, while they themselves
have done little to protect their own citizens from rape, poverty,
corruption, murder and ANC racism.

“The CDP supports Israel as an independent Jewish state with the right
to determine what happens within its own borders. Boycotts and threats
are not going to help in the process of dealing with the Palestinian
problem but will actually encourage polarization.”

Afrikaans Version

BDS se dubbele standaarde – CDP

” ‘n Protes aksie wat deur die pro-Palestynse BDS beweging beplan word,
teen ‘n konsert van Grammy-bekroonde kunstenaar Pharrell Williams, omdat
hy met Woolworths in die aanbieding van die konsert saam sou werk is
niks meer as skynheilige opportunisme nie.” Sê ds Theunis Botha, leier
van die Christen-Demokratiese Party (CDP)

“Hierdie mense is behep met ‘n boikot teen Woolworths, ondat daar ‘n
paar produkte van Israel op die kleinhandelaar se rakke verskyn, terwyl
hulle niks oor die gewelddadige slagting van duisende mense in die
middel-ooste deur Isis en ander sektariese bewegings sê nie. Hulle sê
ook niks oor Woolworths se invoer van produkte uit China, wat bekend
staan as die grootste skender van menseregte in die wêreld nie.

“Selfs die ANC-regering ondersteun die terreur beweging Hamas, wat
daarop uit is om deur geweld die Jode uit Israel te dryf, terwyl hulle
self min doen om hul eie burgers teen verkragting, armoede, korrupsie,
moord en ANC rassisme te beskerm nie.

“Die CDP ondersteun Israel as ‘n onafhanklike Joodse staat met die reg
om gebeur binne sy eie grense aan te spreek. Boikotte en bedreigings sal
nie in die oplossingsproses van die Palestynse probleem help nie, maar
sal eintlik polarisasie aanmoedig. ”