Staatshospitale is nie voorbereid op groeiende aantal pasiënte nie

Met mediese fondse en privaathospitale wat tans onder die soeklig is weens die astronomiese kostes van hul dienste, is die vloei van pasiënte na staatshospitale besig om ingrypend toe te neem, sê me. Amanda de Lange, nasionale voorsitter van die Vryheidsfront Plus se vrouekomitee. De…

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Motion without Notice

On behalf of Inkatha Freedom Party, I move without notice: That the House 1) EXTENDS its deepest and heartfelt condolences to the Blöchliger family, following the sudden tragic loss of their daughter, Ms Franziska Blöchliger, in Tokai, on Monday 7 March 2016; 2) NOTES that…

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Destruction Of Factories Will Lead To Job Losses

The Inkatha Freedom Party is concerned by the wanton destruction of privately owned businesses as well as state property stemming from community dissatisfaction with the selection of candidates for the forthcoming local government elections. “We understand that democratic principles must inform the way candidates are…

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E-health – when, not if

  • Post category:AllHealth

A new report on e-Health in the WHO European Region reveals that tangible progress has been made, with clear benefits for many countries. In most Member States, it has become commonplace for technology to be used to deliver health services and public health improvements, such…

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Welcoming Remarks by the Deputy Minister of Police, Hon. Ms. Makhotso Maggie Sotyu (MP) at the United Nations Inter-Regional Crime and Justice Research Institute (NICRI) International Strategy to Prevent and Combat Illicit Trafficking in Precious Metals

Your Excellencies, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Team, Member Country Delegates, Distinguished Guests, On behalf of Government of the Republic of South Africa and all its inhabitants, I would like to warmly welcome you to Cape Town, South Africa. South Africa…

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