Nou moet pres. Jacob Zuma ʼn bevoegde persoon as polisiekommissaris aanstel

President Jacob Zuma het ten einde laaste die korrekte besluit geneem om Riah Phiyega as polisiekommissaris te skors te midde van ʼn hangende ondersoek wat na haar gedoen word, en die VF Plus verwelkom die besluit," sê Pieter Groenewald, die VF Plus se hoofwoordvoerder oor…

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Senior police office and four suspected drug dealers arrested for drug trafficking

Pretoria :  A joint intelligence-driven operation between the South African Police Service (SAPS) crime fighting units, including the Hawks made a breakthrough today in its efforts to curb drug dealing, when five people, including a senior police officer suspected of being part of a drug trafficking syndicate operating in and around the Johannesburg area were arrested. The 51-year-old colonel was arrested just after…

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VF Plus veroordeel mees onlangse plaasaanval te Harrismith

Die Vryheidsfront Plus veroordeel die mees onlangse plaasaanval te Harrismith op ʼn 58-jarige vrou op Sondagmiddag, 4 Oktober 2015 ten sterkste. Die vrou se identiteit is aan die VF Plus bekend, maar word om sensitiewe redes weerhou. Die VF Plus betreur die feit dat, soos…

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High court judge convicts eight men for racketeering and robberies

Pretoria : 29 September 2015 - The South African Police Service (SAPS) has noted and welcomes yesterday's (28 September 2015) conviction of eight Soweto men by the high court sitting in Palm Ridge for racketeering, possession of unlicensed firearm and multiple robberies. The SAPS, following…

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