SAIRV-verslag oor Polisie bevestig publiek se wantroue in Polisie

“Die verslag van die SA Instituut vir Rasseverhoudinge (SAIRV) oor geweldsmisdaad en kriminaliteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens bevestig dat die publiek nie vertroue in die Polisie kan hê nie. Dit is ironies dat die Polisie as sy hoofdoelwit stel dat die publiek beskerm moet word…

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Hawks disrupt a drug-smuggling ring in Johannesburg

Pretoria: Today, the acting National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (the Hawks), Major General Mthandazo Ntlemeza, lauded the Hawks in Johannesburg for dismantling a Nigerian drug-smuggling ring. The Hawks team raided the Highrise flats in Berea, Johannesburg yesterday. They did a thorough…

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Verkragtings in en deur polisie neem kommerwekkend toe

Volgens die Onafhanklike Polisie Ondersoekdirektoraat (OPOD) het die aantal klagtes van verkragtings wat deur polisielede gepleeg is in ses maande (April - September 2014 teenoor dieselfde tydperk in 2013) met 25% toegeneem en verkragtings van persone in aanhouding het met 160% toegeneem. Die OPOD het…

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SAPS detective sentenced to 7 years in prison

Limpopo: Yesterday, the Louis Trichardt Regional Court in Limpopo handed down a hefty seven-year sentence to former Detective Constable Tshifhiwa Lawrence Matsedu of Musina for corruption. The disciplinary hearing committee of the South African Police Service dismissed 28-year-old Matsedu a few months after corruption allegations…

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Foreign nationals sentenced for rhino poaching

Pretoria: Today, the Acting National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Major General Yoliswa Siyotula, applauded the Organised Crime Unit of the Hawks in Mpumalanga for securing two convictions against two rhino poachers. Yesterday, the White River Periodical Court handed down an eight-year…

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